#5: To Know The Vultures So Well & Good Night Readers: Waves - Two Channeling-Situations -
Nov. 19, 2022 – Nov. 19, 2022 • 17:00–21:30
Festival center, FFM

The Club of What If #5:

To Know The Vultures So Well

Carolina Mendonça and Catalina Insignares

Good Night Readers: Waves

Nik Timková and Zuzana Žabková

– Two Channeling-Situations –

“I start to hear something, not with my ears. I start to see something but not with my eyes.”


a story that has as much to do with the dead, as with opening the registers of what is audible
a story of training as channellers
a story of conversations that take place in the midst of very loud frequencies
a story about (missed) encounters with the dead in which we sometimes failed to understand one another


Common vision about everyone with lungs, universal breathing, immersion, not swimming,
skyscrapers of lovers and underwater whispers.



Carolina and Catalina met in 2014 at the MA Choreography and Performance in Giessen. Since then they have been collaborating and maintaining a very close complicity in different manners of working together. The soil of their work is in workshops and seminars, moments where they can feel and think together with others. Reading groups, telepathic dances, psychic vision sessions, caresses and massages populate these encounters. The body and the extrasensorial have become central tools for asking questions of the world from the corner where their window is.

Nik Timková and Zuzana Žabková have known each other since high school. Their art practice intersected again in the moment when they met in Slovak art award and they decided together with other nominees to win it collectively. After this experience they founded björnsonova, an artistic and interdisciplinary platform for experimentation, research and sharing, in which a number of artists from Prague, Košice, Berlin, Brussels and Belgrade participate simultaneously. Their different practices come together around the desire to examine the relationships between femme bodies and their environments in order to unleash fantasies about how these could change. björnsonova is also a monstrous fictional character, a mystery, a teenager, a witch, a shapeshifter, a hybrid-subjectivity that recycles, multiplies and inverts practices, objects, texts and bodies. By refusing transparency and authorship, those operating under her spell aim to create their own environment, in which they don’t have to be constantly visible and at work.
björnsonova is currently owned by a cat.

Since 2020 björnsonova has been reading aloud and together with invited guests in their project Good Night Readers ¸¸.•¨¯`•.¸ . · ☆  .   .。

LIMITED PLACES – Registration necessary!

Please cancel your tickets if you aren’t coming, so others can take your place!
