Oct. 30, 2022 • 16:00
Festival center, FFM

The Club of What If:  Session #3

The messy lives of teenage monsters…

a Tabletop Role Playing game by Avery Alder
Facilitated By FEELINGS

Monsterhearts lets you and your friends create stories about sexy monsters, teenage angst, personal horror, and secret love triangles. When you play, you explore the terror and confusion of having a body that is changing without your permission. The monstrosity of these characters is literal: they are vampires, werewolves, witches, and more. But their monstrosity is also allegorical, standing in for experiences of alienation, shame, queerness, and

Its a queer game, meaning that it pushes back against the heterosexist framework that underlies so many of our culture’s stories. When you play, you contend with all the chaotic possiblity and uncertainty of desire.”

Monsterhearts draws on source material like Twilight, True Blood, Ginger Snaps, Jennifer’s Body, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Misfits, The Vampire Diaries, An American Werewolf in London, Cursed, and Sabrina the Teenage Witch.

If you like supernatural romances, or stories of monstrosity and personal horror, or if you just like watching sexy people ruin their lives, then you’ll love this game.

Game Designer: Avery Alder

Avery is designing tabletop roleplaying games since thirteen years, games about community, relationships, doubt, queerness, and the collapse of civilization.


Facilitators: Feelings

FEELINGS comprises the artistic works, performative research, games and feelings that we, Jil Dreyer and Josef Mehling, have been developing with and for each other since 2017. We are excited about experimenting with different media and approaches – often in connection with the personal and biographical. We want to question classic theater situations and work on a transparent relationship between audience and performers. For us, questions about physicality(ies), identity and situatedness are in the foreground. We are also interested in the possibilities, challenges and questions around collective work. For our own work, we share the tasks of conception, staging, design, and performance.


LIMITED PLACES – Registration necessary!

Please cancel your tickets if you aren’t coming!
