On 23 October 2022 we go to the protest “Safe Abortion – Together against abortion opponents” in Offenbach.

The banner from the first meeting is with me again. This time I don’t hang it up in one place but carry it together with a friend.

Encouraged by our last session (voice) I shout: “My body, my choice, I raise my voice”, “Hätt’ Maria abgetrieben, wärt ihr uns erspart geblieben”, “Keine Fundis, kein Staat, kein Patriarchat”… It is a loud, energetic protest.

Sadly, no one joins in my shouts of “Kein Patriarchat, kein Geschlechtseintrag”. Also we don’t manage to inspire the people for our melody for  “Gegen Macker und Sexisten, fight the power, fight the system”, which we invented in the last session. For that we probably would have to be more.

Nevertheless – it is all in all a very good experience of walking and shouting with my friend at this protest.